Lose 24 Pounds in 2 Weeks With This Boiled Egg Diet Plan

Lose 24 Pounds in 2 Weeks With This Boiled Egg Diet Plan

The boiled egg diet is a fast and effective way to lose weight. Hard to believe, right? Yet many people have tried it and successfully lost weight—as much as 24 pounds in just 14 days!

This article will cover 10 essential things you need to know about the boiled egg diet including: why you might choose this diet, tips on how to maximize success, a sample menu, the results you can expect, and best practices.

1. Why choose the boiled egg diet?

Boiled egg diet works
The boiled egg diet works for everyone. (Anatolii Riepin/Shutterstock)

The key is that this diet is both high in protein and low in calories, which helps reduce appetite and lowers calorie intake. Eggs are also rich in essential minerals and vitamins, and contain 13 different vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin D, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, phosphorus, folate, iron, zinc, as well as 15% of your daily riboflavin intake.

Some people may be concerned about the cholesterol in eggs, but don’t worry; unless you struggle with high cholesterol, research suggests that this short-term diet is unlikely to make a difference.

2. Types of boiled egg diets

There are different types of boiled egg diets, for examples the “egg only” diet, the “egg fast” diet (only eggs, cheese, and butter), the “egg and grapefruit” diet etc. Based on reviews, though, we will introduce the traditional boiled egg diet, because it allows more food choices while still getting good results.

You can also plan various schedules, for examples the 3-day egg diet, 7-day egg diet, and the 28-day egg diet. Many people prefer a middle-of-the-road approach, hence the 14-day boiled egg diet is a sound diet plan to try.

Boiled egg menu

3. Sample menu

Boiled egg salad (Stephanek Photography/Shutterstock)

Here is a sample boiled egg menu that has proven to work:

Week 1

Day 1

Breakfast: Two boiled eggs and a grapefruit

Lunch: Chicken and salad

Dinner: Two slices of whole grain bread and an apple

Day 2

Breakfast: Two boiled eggs and an orange

Lunch: Grilled chicken and salad

Dinner: Two boiled eggs and a salad

Day 3

Breakfast: Two boiled eggs and a grapefruit

Lunch: One slice of whole-wheat bread, tomato, and a piece of low-fat cheese

Dinner: Chicken and steamed vegetables

Day 4

Breakfast: Two boiled eggs and an orange

Lunch: Only steamed chicken

Dinner: Only fruit

Day 5

Breakfast: Only two boiled eggs

Lunch: Two boiled eggs and steamed vegetables

Dinner: Grilled fish and salad

Day 6

Breakfast: Only two boiled eggs

Lunch: Only fruit

Dinner: Steamed chicken and salad

Day 7

Breakfast: Two boiled eggs and a grapefruit

Lunch: Chicken, tomato, and steamed vegetables

Dinner: Only steamed vegetables

Week 2

Day 8

Breakfast: Only two boiled eggs

Lunch: Chicken and green salad

Dinner: Two boiled eggs, salad, and an orange

Day 9

Breakfast: Only two boiled eggs

Lunch: Grilled fish and green salad

Dinner: Two boiled eggs and steamed vegetables

Day 10

Breakfast: Two boiled eggs and an orange

Lunch: Chicken and salad

Dinner: Two boiled eggs, salad, and an orange

Day 11

Breakfast: Two boiled eggs and a grapefruit

Lunch: Two boiled eggs, steamed vegetables, and a piece of low-fat cheese

Dinner: Steamed chicken and green salad

Day 12

Breakfast: Two boiled eggs and an orange

Lunch: Tuna salad

Dinner: Two boiled eggs and green salad

Day 13

Breakfast: Two boiled eggs and a grapefruit

Lunch: Chicken and salad

Dinner: Only fruit

Day 14

Breakfast: Only two boiled eggs

Lunch: Steamed chicken and vegetables

Dinner: Only steamed vegetables

Fish and boiled egg sandwiches
Fish, boiled egg, fresh cucumber, tomato, black and white sesame, and dill on wholewheat bread (Anastasia Panait/Shutterstock)

4. Proven results

More and more success stories are being shared on social media, and lots of articles and reviews show up across the internet. Here are a few examples from successful boiled egg dieters:

5. What other foods you can eat?

Healthy food
Healthy foods for including in the boiled egg diet (jack3928/Pixabay)

Other foods you can eat with the egg diet include:

  • Meat: Seafood and fish such as salmon and chicken
  • Low-carb vegetables: Leafy green vegetables like lettuce, spinach, kale etc., as well as vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, mushrooms, and onions
  • Fruits: Grapefruits, oranges, apples, strawberries, plums, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, and avocados (one quarter a day)
  • Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, and chia seeds
  • Drinks: water, black coffee, and tea

6. Tips for maximizing success

When you are on the boiled egg diet, it is important to drink plenty of water, because high-protein diets may cause you to become constipated. Water is also good for weight loss; it helps you to feel full, detoxes your body, and provides the hydration your body needs. A person should aim to have at least 9-13 cups of water per day, depending on your size and exercise level.

If you get sick of boiled eggs after a few days, you can try scrambled eggs instead as long as you prepare them without oil. Boiled eggs are the best, though, because they retain more vitamin B12.

The success of the diet depends on burning more calories than are consumed. You should aim to keep your daily intake relatively low: about 1,700 calories.

To get the best results, follow the sample menu above, and do not switch days, because the menu is fine-tuned to take your body through several different stages. Limit your meals to 3 per day, with no snacks in between. If you feel hungry, drink green tea or eat some citrus fruit.

7. Benefits of including grapefruit in the boiled egg diet

Grapefruit for weight loss
Grapefruits do wonder for weight loss. (Nadiia Loboda/Shutterstock)

Grapefruits contains an organic compound called nootkatone, which gives it its distinct aroma. This compound activates an enzyme called AMP-activated protein kinase, which stimulates glucose uptake and other energy producing processes.

Research has found that grapefruit is effective in consuming body fat and reducing hunger, so it can help boost weight loss.

8. Foods to avoid during the diet

If you want to be on track to your weight loss goal, you should avoid these foods:

  • Junk food
  • Snacks
  • Soda drinks
  • Starchy vegetables (beets, corn, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, yams, parsnips, taro, winter squash etc.)
  • High-carb foods like rice and pasta
  • Sugar, candy, or sweets
  • Dairy products like milk or cheese

9. What if you are a vegetarian?

Boiled egg diet for vegetarian
The boiled egg diet works for vegetarians, too. (Daxiao Productions/Shutterstock)

You can substitute chicken and fish with high-protein foods like tofu, almonds, chia seeds, and dark green vegetables like broccoli or spinach.

If you feel hungry, drink more water, eat more eggs, or more vegetables.

10. Boiled egg dieting is for the short-term only

The boiled egg diet can be used to get quick results, but it is not recommended to be used as a permanent solution for weight loss. Your body will need more diversity of nutrients in order to flourish—not to mention that you may get sick of eating eggs all the time.

You can use it for two weeks, or until you lose the desired weight, but no longer than three weeks. After that, you’ll need to rely on a healthy lifestyle to keep the weight off.

It is also crucial that you monitor your body for any signs of fatigue, weakness, or discomfort. The boiled egg diet may work well for some people, while others may not tolerate it so well. It is advisable to contact your doctor for advice before starting new diet regimens.

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